PIC Road Commission Minutes

Presque Isle County Road Commission

Condensed Minutes

July 18, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners for Presque Isle County was held at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley, Rogers City, Michigan. Chairman Charles Rhode called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Charles Rhode, Ronald Bischer, Thomas Catalano

Also Present: Supt./Mgr Smigelski, Clerk Wirgau

Visitors: None


A motion was approved to accept minutes from July 5, 2016 meetings as presented.

Ayes:  All

Accounts Payable: 

Motion by Bischer (Catalano) to approve the July 18, 2016 accounts payable in the amount of $109,068.89.

Ayes:  Rhode, Catalano, Bischer

Supt./Mgr Report: 

Supt./Mgr attended MTA Meeting July 5, 2016 and met the political candidates for both county and state (106th District Representative) offices.

The PASER ratings on the local road system have been completed and the information will be sent to the townships and villages soon.  Ratings for the Federal Aid eligible road system will be conducted in August.

Discussion was held regarding possible road maintenance projects and equipment purchases for 2017.

The subject of marks made on the asphalt from shoed horses in Pulawski Township was discussed.    The County Road Engineer inspected the site and determined there is no structural damage to the asphalt and the marks are cosmetic in nature.

The new truck will be ready by the end of August.

Old Business:

A motion was approved adopting a purchasing policy.

New Business:

A motion was approved authorizing expens

es for Commissioners, Supt./Mgr and Clerk to attend the quarterly Straits Area Council Meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2016.

The next meetings dates are August 1, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. and August 15, 2016 at 8:30 a.m.

There being no further business it was moved by Rhode (Catalano) to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 a.m.

The complete minutes of the meeting of the Board of Presque Isle County Road Commissioners are available for viewing and may be seen at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley Highway, Rogers City, Michigan 49779.