OHS Dram Club presents “The Littlest Amazon”

The Onaway Drama Club will present “The Littlest Amazon,” a one act drama, this weekend, Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Fifteen high school students and 10 middle school students will take the stage for the final play of the 2012 – 2013 school year. High school students participating are Ellie McLellan, Denise Porter, Victoria Anglin, Mary Bandish, Briannna Fitzpatrick, Emilee Madison, Jordan Bischer, Tiffany Traynham, Madi Nash, Jazmyn Tibbits, Maddy Watts, Krystal Gedda, Justin Pochmara, Mike Hart Jr. and Sara Fullerton onstage. Alyssa Roat, Grace Hart, Lisa Tulgestke, Darbey Gaylor and Barbara Stitt make up the production crew. Middle school students portraying jungle animals are Brooklyn Hoffmeyer, Jaidyn Lively, Kayla Metty, Cienna Domke, Caitlyn Fitzpatrick, Maggie Jones, Hope Faith, Maribel Janeczek, Lia Tulgestke and Audrey Oberlin. Tickets will be on sale at the door. The YAC (Youth Action Committee) will be holding a bake sale both days as a fundraiser. Come with your sweet tooth and enjoy the show. Pictured from left, Denise Porter, Mary Bandish, Jordan Bischer, Tiffany Traynham, Maddy Watts, Brianna Fitzpatrick, Mike Hart Jr., Ellie McLellan and Caitlin Fitzpatrick in front. (Photo by Michele Peters)