PIC Road Minutes

 Presque Isle County 

Road Commission

Condensed Minutes

July 10, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners for Presque Isle County was held at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley, Rogers City, Michigan. Chairman Thomas Catalano called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Thomas Catalano, Ronald Bischer, Charles Rhode.

Also Present: Supt./Mgr Smigelski, Clerk Wirgau.

Visitors: Two.


A motion was approved to accept minutes from June 19, 2017 meeting.

Accounts Payable: 

Motion by Rhode (Bischer) to approve the July 10, 2017 accounts payable in the amount of $172,713.69

Ayes:  Bischer, Rhode, Catalano.


An Allis Township resident appeared before the Board to request abandonment of a road in Allis Township.

Bid Opening – 9 am:

Asphalt paving bids were accepted and low bid awarded to Bolen Asphalt Paving.

Supt./Mgr Report: 

• Dust control is about 90-95 percent complete. There are a few dead-end roads with no residents left to do.  Roadside mowing is underway and ahead of schedule compared to last year.

The annual PASER ratings were conducted on Federal Aid System roads two weeks ago.

Three logging companies have been contacted and will be billed for road damage repairs due to their operations.

CRA is recommending Road Commissions update permit forms and adopt a new fee schedule.

Rogers township has contacted Supt./Mgr regarding doing a project next year.

An order has been placed for 15-inch and 18-inch culverts from St. Regis.

CRASIF is seeking interested persons for Board of Trustees if any Commissioner is interested.  Supt./Mgr will be on the ballot for re-election this year.

Unfinished business:

A Bearinger Township Road de-c

ertified in 2014 to be compliant with Act 51 of 1951 was discussed.  The road had no deeded right of way or easement and had no maintenance performed in over 20 years. New Business:

A motion was approved to advertise for boiler baseboard heating repair in office with bid opening August 7, 2017.

Motions were approved to enter road project agreements with Michigan Department of Transportation and Belknap Township for upcoming road projects.

Next meeting dates are Monday, July 24, 2017 and Monday, August 7, 2017.

A motion was made by Rhode (Bischer) to adjourn at 10:46 a.m.

The complete minutes of the meeting of the Board of Presque Isle County Road Commissioners are available for viewing and may be seen at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley Highway, Rogers City, Michigan 49779.