Track renovations to allow hosting of events in the future
by Peter Jakey–Managing Editor
After many years of planning and saving, not to mention some fiscal responsibility, Rogers City Area Schools has a freshly paved track that will be utilized by future track and field athletes right on school grounds.
The track that circled the football practice field had been in a state of disrepair for many years and the district was not able to host any spring meets for a number of reasons.
That should all change with the paving project finally coming to fruition last week. The next phase would be the rubberization of the track and superintendent Nick Hein would like to see that work completed by the spring with bids going out in January 2025.
“It’s not just for the track and field kids, but it’s for the whole community, and even the presentation of the school, alongside the highway,” said Hein.
It’s a project that has been on the table going back to when Hein took the superintendent job in 2018, who started saving taxpayer supported, building and site millage funds.
However, when the pandemic hit, the price of construction projects, vehicles and a lot of other items, skyrocketed.
Hein had estimated the cost of paving and rubberization at $200,000 to $250,000, but in 2020 when a bid was solicited, it came back at closer to $400,000 and it was immediately put on hold.
“That did not include rubberization,” Hein said. “It was an amount we were not willing to pay.”
During the pandemic, Hein’s first priority was keeping the school doors open.
“This year, we were excited that Curtis Excavating, along with Goodrich Paving gave a price of $80,000 to fix the broken parts of the track and leveling of the sides after repaving,” said Hein. “We are superexcited to get that this year. We did need to bring the long-jump lane up to code, what was there was not correct.”
Hein believes the rubberization may cost $90,000.
“Obviously, we are going to have to get the fence and goalposts painted. We need to get the awning on the electric sign painted. We would like to plant a couple of trees that will grow and provide shade in the future, that will finish that presentation.”
To complete the project, the superintendent has plans of installing three flagpoles by the rock and pole barn with the American Flag, state flag and a Rogers City flag.
“It will be visible from all points,” he said. “It will be similar to what they have in Posen with landscaping around it. when it is all done, it should look fantastic for the school and the community.
“That track is not just for hosting a track meet, it’s for the community to walk on it and our physical education classes go out there all the time.”
Hein added that the project would not be possible without the building and site millage that has been in place for decades.
With it difficult to get specialized contractors to Rogers City, there is no guarantee the district will be able to host a meeting next spring, but it remains a possibility.